
American Ingenuity Finds Ways to Combine The Boiler and the Water Heater into One Device

Devices which combine the function of the boiler and heater into one, have been popular, for many years, in England, Europe and many other countries. However, the combi-boiler, which uses heat from the boiler to heat up the domestic hot water supply, has yet to catch on in America. While the space saving combi boiler is less expensive than the cost of owning separate boiling and heating units, it supplies only 2-3 gallons of hot water per minute, on demand, and is therefore only effective in a home with one bathroom. This may explain why it is not as popular in Amercia as in other countries.Now, however, American ingenuity is tackling the problem and coming up with various ways that the functions of the boiler and heater can be combined, yet without diminishing the supply of hot water to the home. One of the more ingenious devices is the indirect storage hot water tank.This device is a tank within a tank. A stainless steel non-corrodible hot water container is set in an outer boiler hot water tank. Unlike previous combi boilers, which transferred heat from boiler water to the hot water heater through a coiled loop, in rc flying fish the newer arrangement the hot water tank is surrounded by hot water, so there is much greater area for heat transfer. As a result, when hot water is in use in the home, the incoming cold air angry bird water is rapidly heated to a usable temperature by S107 helicopter the surrounding boiler water.The same device provides all the home's hot water needs plus it provides all the hot water for radiant heat exchange in the home, and thus is ideal for anyone using hydronic heating.I talked with a Baltimore plumber with lots of experience in plumbing heating, about the device. He told me the technology is very sophisticated and very successful in meeting both the hot water and heating needs of the domicile. He recommends it for people needs to be be replaced.The cost of an indirect heating tank, including installation, may range up to $8,000. However, the payback is in the efficiency, the space saving value, and the lowered heating expenses over many years. The Plumber added that the device comes with a much longer warranty than conventional heaters, up to 10 years or longer, which is another plus. With all these values RC Air Swimmers factored in, the indirect heating tank is a competitive and highly efficient heating system for the home.

